Eligibility and conditions

  • Engineering/ Manufacturing Sector
    Instrumentation, Energy and Power, Automobile, Chemicals, Metals and Metallurgy, Textile, Food & Beverages, machinery, engines, electrical and electronic equipment and other sectors

  • ICT & Services
    Software development; telecommunications activities; publishing activities, including software publication; motion picture and sound recording activities; radio and TV broadcasting and programming

  • Life Sciences (Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology) & Agriculture
    Agriculture, Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology.

  • MSME
    Definition of MSME will be as per the revised Classification applicable w.e.f 1st July 2020. Proof for micro, small and medium enterprises should be submitted either in the form of registration certificate for MSME or certificate by auditor that the company is in MSME category as on December 2021.

  • Composite Criteria: Investment in Plant & Machinery/equipment and Annual Turnover

Classification Micro Small Medium
Manufacturing Enterprises and Enterprises rendering Services Investment in Plant and Machinery or Equipment: Not more than Rs.1 crore and Annual Turnover; not more than Rs. 5 crore Investment in Plant and Machinery or Equipment: Not more than Rs.10 crore and Annual Turnover; not more than Rs. 50 crore Investment in Plant and Machinery or Equipment: Not more than Rs.50 crore and Annual Turnover; not more than Rs. 250 crore
  • Large Industry:
    Companies not falling in the category of MSME& Startups.

  • Start-ups:
    as per the definition given by Government of India. (Incorporation certificate needs to be submitted.)

  • R & D Institutes
    Public funded laboratories (under CSIR, DRDO, ISRO, DAE, DST, DBT, MeitY, MES etc.), private sector research labs, autonomous labs set up by Trusts/Societies.

  • Academic Institution
    Centres of Excellence/labs/specialized technology centres from Govt. funded, self-financing and government, private or autonomous academic institutions (technical colleges/universities).


  • Applicant should satisfy the given definitions of the Sectors/categories.
  • The organisation should have filed / granted applications for patents, trademarks, and designs first in India. The organisation should be able to show products / services which utilise their IP. Wherever an exemption under Indian laws has been taken, and an application has been filed directly in a foreign jurisdiction, that application will be considered as first filed in India.
  • Only those applications (patents / trademarks / designs) will be considered which have been filled / granted with in the specified period from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 i.e., for the period five years.
  • Application should be submitted in the prescribed format by 30 June, 2023 along with fees.
  • All necessary documents supporting the claims should be enclosed with the application.