// CII - Intellectual Property

5th International Conference on IPR

India Intellectual Property Convention & National IP Awards 2019

Winner of National IP Awards 2019

Arrow Greentech Ltd won the award in the category of Top Indian Private Company (MSME) for Patents & Commercialization

Director General of Police, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati won the award in the category of Best Police Unit (Districtzone in a commissionarate) for Enforcement of IP in the Country

Dr. Benny Antony won the award for WIPO Medal for Inventors

Dr. Benny Antony won the award in the category Top Individual for Patents and Commercialization

IIT Bombay won Award in the actegory of Top Indian Academic Institute for Patents and Commercialization

IPR Cell -Kerala Agricultural University won the award in the category of Best Facilitation of Registration of GI and Promotion of Registered GI in the country

K Studio Solutions Private Ltd won the award in the category of Start-up for IP Commercialization

Minda Industries Ltd won the award in the category of Top Indian Company Organization for Designs

Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute For Medical Sciences and Technology won the award in the category of Top Indian R&D InstitutionOrganization for Patents and Commercialization

Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. won the award for WIPO Enterprise Trophy

Tata Consultancy Services won the award in the category of Top Public Limited CompanyPrivate Limited Company for Patents & Commercialization in India

United Phosphorous Ltd won the award in the category of Top Indian Company for creating Global brand

United Phosphorous Ltd won the WIPO USER S TROPHY