// CII - Intellectual Property


Topics Covered

  1. Preparation for the valuation: patent basics, understanding bundle of rights, ownership interest, description of rights, exploiting patent rights
  2. Valuation basics
  3. Using valuation analysis to improve patent decision making
  4. Patent valuation techniques
  5. Valuation practices and standards- ICAI guidelines, International Valuation Standards Council etc.
  6. Role of valuation in Patent infringement and assessment of damages
  7. Valuation of trademarks with case studies
  8. Patent valuation of in the context of digital intangible such as IOT and AI with examples
  9. Trade secret and know-how valuation

Benefits of registering

  • Renowned global Faculty
  • Weekend course
  • Certificate after the Course
  • Study Material to be carry at home

Fee Structure: Rs7500 +18% GST=Rs8850
Payment mode- 100% advance before the course

Who can Participate?

The course will be useful to patent analysts, innovation managers, chartered accountants, finance professionals, technology analysts and R&D managers. They can come from industry, academic and R&D institutions. Our preference would be for industry professionals.

For more details please contact:

Nabanita Mukherjee, Deputy Director, CII
Email: nabanita.mukherjee@cii.in,9910209252