// CII - Intellectual Property

Feedback of Participants from 1st Series

The IP valuation training was beautifully arranged with many speakers who had good understanding of the subject. IP is an emerging concept in India and hence its valuation strategies are not fully understood and appreciated. Dr Aseem Mishra, CEO , Prantee Solution

The IP valuation training was a great primer to raise awareness and sensitize the participants about the nascent practice especially in an Indian context: Mr. Amotava Mitra, Professor, IIT, Jhodhpur

I found sessions very informative and graciously articulated. It opened a wide spectrum of possibilities for me.-Hariprasad Madral, Engineering Associate III ( Patent Analyst), Johnson Controls

Focused Discussions

  1. Patent Valuation Analysis, Techniques & Case Studies
  2. Valuation of digital intangible such as IOT and AI with examples
  3. Role of valuation in infringement and assessment of damages
  4. Valuation practices and standards- ICAI guidelines, International Valuation Standards Council etc.
  5. Preparation for the valuation: patent basics, understanding bundle of rights, ownership interest, description of rights, exploiting patent rights
  6. Trade secret and know-how valuation
  • Certificate of Participation
  • Take Home Study Material

Fee Structure Rs. 7500 excluding GST
Payment 100% advance before course

For more details please contact:

Nabanita Mukherjee, Deputy Director, CII
Email: nabanita.mukherjee@cii.in,+91-9910209252