// CII - Intellectual Property

Workshop on IP Awareness Programme for Academia and R &D Centers In the year 2019

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in collaboration with Intellectual property Office, India (IPO) organized one day "Workshop on IP Awareness Programme on IPR" at Ramjas College, Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, New Delhi and NCL , Pune. to promote strong enforcement measures along with mainstreaming IP domain. The objective of these one day awareness workshops weres to address the gaps present in between innovation to IPR filings & protection to enforcement. Topics covered are customized as per the need of Academia, which include importance of Prior Art Analytics in Research, identifying IP Assets, various steps involved in IPR filing & protection, Monetizing IP, and Institutionalizing IP.

Workshop on IP Awareness Programme for Academia and R &D Centers In the year 2019

Interactive Session with Custom officials on IPR

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) organized Interactive Session with Custom Officials on IPR Enforcement -Best Practice on,20 June, 25 June and 28 June 2019 at Chennai, Mumbai and Shillong. The objective(s) of Session are to facilitate institutional linkages between the Industry and the Enforcement authorities such as Customs office and educate new techniques to customs officials for strengthening enforcement of IP laws. More than 125 Customs officials had participated in these interactive sessions.

Interactive Session with Custom officials on IPR

Workshop on Exchange of Best Practices on IP Enforcement – South Asia

10-12 August 2017 | Marriott Tang Plaza| Singapore

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in collaboration with United States Patent and Trademark Office organized three days' Workshop on Exchange of Best Practices on IP Enforcement-South Asia from 10-12 August 2017, Hotel, Marriott, Tang Plaza Singapore to move forward on mainstreaming IP and promote strong enforcement measures in place. This three-day workshop supported the participating countries' efforts to develop and enforce criminal laws against trademark counterfeiting, copyright infringement and theft of trade secrets. The workshop also focused on an open exchange on the basis of investigating and rosecuting IPR crimes.

The workshop aims to provide an exchange of best practices for
(i) identifying IPR violations;
(ii) exchange of best practices on addressing IPR crimes in the region;
(iii) IPR coordination between various departments of the government while dealing with IPR crimes and

(iv) working with private rights holders, which is critical in IPR investigations. There was about total 25-30 participants from Industry, Custom , Police officials and representatives from Intellectual property offices /Ministry of the corresponding South Asian countries like India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Maldives and Bangladesh.

Workshop on Exchange of Best Practices on IP Enforcement – South Asia

Workshop on basics of IPR and Commercialisation of Technology for Start-ups and Incubates

8th July in New Delhi, 2016

CII in collaboration with Ministry of MSME Government of India organised the workshop on basics of IPR & Commercialisation of Technology for Start-up and Incubatees held on 8th July in New Delhi 2016. The workshop was organized with the objective to educate startup and incubates the basic rights of IPR filing, its importance and registration process. In the workshop Special Address was given by Shri. Surendra Nath Tripathi Additional Secretary & Development Commissioner (MSME). The workshops witnessed around total 100 no's of participants.

CII IPR Conference 2015, CII IPR, CII Events

Workshop on basics of IPR and Commercialisation of Technology for Start-ups and Incubates

Workshops for Indian SME Trainers on the Promotion of Brand Creation, Protection and management

8-15 January 2016, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, New Delhi

CII in partnership with OHIM has taken an initiative to enhance the capacity of the SME trainers in India to effectively promote brand creation, protection and management by SMEs and the use of related IP tools within their business strategies. As part of this initiative CII has organized four workshops at Bengaluru, Mumbai, Kolkata & New Delhi. In all the workshops very senior people from SME association has been attended. The workshops witnessed around 100 nos of participants .

CII IPR Conference 2015, CII IPR, CII Events

Workshops for Indian SME Trainers on the Promotion of Brand Creation, Protection and management

Roundtable Discussion on Trade Secret Practice in India

March 2016, Delhi & Mumbai

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) organised a roundtable discussion on Trade Secret Practices in India on 8 March 2016 & 11 March 2016 in New Delhi and Mumbai respectively. The aim of hosting such a programme was to have a comprehensive discussion on challenges faced by the Indian industry on trade secret protection in the present Indian scenario as well as to share best practices in this domain of intellectual property protection. Mr. Probir Mehta, Assistant USTR, United States Trade Representative (USTR) was one of the key personnel present during the both roundtable discussions. Mr. R Saha, Senior Advisor, CII moderated the entire discussions. The Round table discussion had participation from eminent names from Indian industry, academia, Indian Government and legal fraternity.

CII IPR Conference 2015, CII IPR, CII Events

Roundtable Discussion on 'Trade Secret Practice in India' organized by CII on 8 March 2016 in New Delhi

One Day Workshop on Current Patent Practices & Competitive Intelligence from EPO Patent Search Tools

CII in collaboration with European Patent Office (EPO) and European Business and Technology Centre (EBTC), New Delhi conducted a one day Workshop on "Current Patent Practices & Competitive Intelligence from EPO Patent Search Tools" on 26 Nov 2014 in Pune. The course content of the workshop was structured so as to cover not only current national and international patent practices but also demonstrate practical utility of patent database with case studies for gathering competitive intelligence beneficial for the newly trained IP workforce.

CII IPR Conference 2015, CII IPR, CII Events

Participants at the One Day Workshop on Current Patent Practices & Competitive Intelligence from EPO Patent Search Tools organized in Pune on 26 November 2014

Workshop on Managing Intellectual Property Rights: Electronics and Software

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in association with Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) organized a two day workshop on Managing Intellectual Property Rights: Electronics and Software. The said workshop was conducted from 20 to 21 August, 2014 at Space Applications Centre (SAC) in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. SAC is one of the major centers of ISRO engaged in cutting edge research on design of space-born instruments and operational station of application of space technology for national development. There are multitude applications of such research, particularly in the areas of communication, broadcasting, navigation, disaster monitoring, meteorology, oceanography, environment monitoring and natural resources survey. The workshop was organized with the object of educating ISRO scientists about patents, open source/proprietary software licensing issues apart from certain other IPR issues in IT and electronics.

CII IPR Conference 2015, CII IPR, CII Events

Speakers during one of the sessions at Workshop on Managing Intellectual Property Rights: Electronics and Software organized from 20-21 August 2014 in Ahmedabad